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Consultations In Your Home

Consultation: $275 for 1-1/2 -hour initial & a 1-hour follow-up session

Additional Fees: $50-$75 when you're outside Kent County, Delaware, $100 for Biting Dog, $100-$125 for additional 1-hour sessions.

Course Format: Individual - In-Your-Home.

Beth has a limited number of Private Consultations (or in-home lessons) available for the dog and handler team in need of specialized attention. The initial evaluation/consultation lasts 90 minutes. Based on her findings, Beth will suggest, and teach, a course of action to both the dog and the owners. The course of action could include additional private sessions, attendance at a group class, or just working at home and keeping in touch via email or telephone. These individualized sessions vary in length and structure as they are developed to fit the needs of each team. 

Beth will leave you with her 34-page Foundation Training Guide, write a multi-page narrative with training plans, and would like email communication from you until we see you again - and even after that!


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