Peterson's Positive Pups
Call us today - Dover, DE USA
Teaching since 1975, offering Delaware residents a positive reinforcement-based training alternative since 1988, and sharing Therapy Dog education since 1990.
Courses Overview
A Foundation
(AKC STAR Puppy Award)
The Foundation course provides dogs with socialization opportunities while teaching the handler to train their dog to focus on them, attention, sit, come when called, lie down, walk on a leash without pulling, and stand for grooming or examination. We introduce clicker training, how to meet other dogs and/or people, how to avoid confrontations with other dogs, "go to your place" cue and "take it/leave it/drop it" exercise. We give tips on housebreaking, grooming, veterinary care, and common problem areas (jumping up, mouthing, biting, chewing, and more), as well as information on the many activities available to you and your well-behaved dog. Family members are encouraged to attend.
Therapy Dog
Does the thought of sharing your pet with others touch your heart? Have you wanted to include your pet in your volunteer activities but didn't know it was possible? Are you willing to participate in training, evaluations, and registration for this volunteer activity? If your answer is YES to these questions, this is the class for you!
Welcome to the incredible world of sharing your companion with others in safe, enjoyable to all, and heartwarming ways. As your instructor and coach, I will share my 48+ years of visiting and dog training experiences, in a pleasantly relaxed atmosphere of camaraderie.
AKC Canine Good Citizen
(AKC CGC Award)
The Good Dog group course is designed for the more advanced dog & handler team who are beyond Foundation and would like to further develop their teamwork. as we add distractions while fine-tuning the basic cues of attention, stay, loose-leash walking and coming when called - and increasing length of exercises. All dogs, mixed breeds and pure bred, at least 4 months of age are welcomed to attend. Graduation from Foundation, or similar type class, is beneficial but not mandatory.
Consultations In Your Home
Beth has a limited number of Private Consultations (or in-home lessons) available for the dog and handler team in need of specialized attention. The initial evaluation/consultation lasts 90 minutes. Based on her findings, Beth will suggest, and teach, a course of action. The course of action could include additional private sessions, attendance at a group class, or just working at home and keeping in touch via email or telephone. These individualized sessions vary in length and structure as they are developed to fit the needs of each team.
CGC Advanced & Urban
The Community (CGC-A) & Public Access (CGC-Urban) Canine Good Citizen class is to test your dog's skills in a natural setting. Advanced tasks includes your dog waiting quietly with you as you complete your application, walking on a loose lead outdoors in a natural setting, ignoring other dogs, a sit-stay with 3 other teams, steadfastness when approached by a stranger carrying a bag, a solid "leave it" cue, staying at distance away from handler, come when called with distractions and manners when walking through doorways.
Workshop - Tellington TTouch & Reiki
The Tellington Method will introduce both handler and dog to relaxation and increasing body awareness by way of gentle, non-habitual touches, strokes and slides. This increased awareness will assist in the building of self-confidence. A self-confident dog (animal) is much better able to think and learn. We also work on foundation training, proper use of positive reinforcement, desensitization and classical counter conditioning. We will also introduce Reiki for your animal companions. Beth is a Reiki Master.
AKC Trick Dog Fun & Titles
The Trick Dog class includes evaluations for Novice, Intermediate & Advanced titles. The goal of this class is to learn and perform tricks. This program rewards you and your dog's trick-learning and demonstration ability. It's open for dogs 5-months to 15-years of age. All dogs must have basic manner and are good in group situations. There are FIVE trick dog titles you may earn; we will work towards successful completion of, minimally, the first two (Novice & Intermediate) in class. This is a B L A S T of a class!
AKC Rally Fun & Titles
We will work on Rally & Novice Obedience (AKC, for now) trailing skills with trailing for these titles as our goal. There will be verbal instruction and links to information sources available. We have a Rally Obedience drop-in option for those teams who have a strong basic in Rally already. For Beginners there is an 8-week class. We're looking for dogs with good basic obedience skills who would like to do more while having Fun.
Workshop - Pet First Aid
Emergency treatment such as First Aid and CPR for pets should never be used as a substitute for veterinary care. Knowing what to do in an emergency situation could help save your pet's life. This course will teach you the skills and confidence to take care of your pet in case of an emergency. You will learn to read your dog's body language and recognize when something is wrong and know what to do to correct the problem.